Today marks the day for 20 weeks, half way!! We had our major ultrasound done this morning, and it went really well. Baby looks very healthy. The ultrasound took 45 minutes, and she went through to take a look at all the baby's organs, feet, hands, brain, spine, heart... Everything looks normal and healthy! Baby was moving around a lot, sucking its thumb, opening and closing its hand to wave at us, kicking its feet. Very cool! My weight gain has been good, probably about 7 pounds since the beginning, and supposed to be a pound a week from here on out. And, another very exciting thing we got out of this appointment was the sex of the baby! You can see in the picture below.
YAY! So, we must come up with some baby boy names. How fun!
He is about 13 ounces and his head is about 1-1/2 inches in diameter (they can't measure him entirely because he's too big for his little sack, so he's curled up. But, probably guesstimate 7 inches long when stretched out.
Next thing's next: my belly. Still wearing normal jeans! But... sticking out a lot more...
And, Matt and I bought a changing table/dresser for baby. Here's a picture of it!