Here are his stats:

Weight: 17lbs 8.5 oz (51%)
Height: 27.75 inches (90%)
Head: 17.75 inches (80%)
He did NOT like his shots!!
Next appointment is at 9 months and he has no shots that time! Not again until 1 year.
Keegan may be allergic to dog saliva, as he gets red and splotchy when the dogs kiss him. Doc. didn't seem concerned since Keegan's respiratory system seems normal when he's around the dogs.
We are feeding Keegan veggies and fruits twice a day, mixed with infant cereal.
In the last 2 weeks, he started waking up EVERY night to eat at 11:30 and 5:30.
Doc said if he's eating vigorously (which he is) at those times, he's obviously hungry, so you don't want to let him cry it out (which I didn't want to do anyways!) So, he suggested feeding him a bottle of formula for his last feeding at bedtime.
I did that last night... and viola!! I got 12 hours out of him again! Hopefully it lasts!
We are going to the pumpkin farm this Sunday, I will post pictures after that!