So, our appointment on October 27th went really well. Matt and I both really like our new doctor. He is really easy going and friendly. He spent time in the Navy too!
We had another ultrasound done, which was really exciting! Here is a snapshot of that. (Head is to the lower left, abdomen in the middle, and bunched up legs to the upper right).
We saw the heartbeat right away, and it was hard to get a clear snapshot of the baby since it was moving around like crazy! At one point, we could see it moving its arms and legs and flailing all arou
nd. Such a little miracle! We saw hands, feet, spinal cord, nasal cavities, eye sockets, umbilical cord... amazing. This was a really low-end ultrasound machine, so the picture wasn't the greatest. However, we have our next appointment on December 1st, where we have the mega ultrasound machine, and we look at the baby from head to toe in an hour-long ultrasound. We also get to find out the sex of the baby at that point!
I can't feel the baby move yet, but should be able to in the next couple of weeks.
So, here's my belly at 15 weeks, 1 day. Not too much bigger,
but definitely more "full" than I was before.
Baby is sooo cute! Love it!
Big Daddy's Watching You and loving it!
Hey Jillian, These pics are great! -So exciting! What a great idea starting this blog.
Amazing! Must feel so strange : )
Hey Jill, It takes me forever to figure out how to write a comment, but I did it! Check out this site, you might like like it!
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