Tuesday, December 16, 2008

22 Weeks, 1 day

So, I got a request for a new belly picture to be posted, so here it is! It feels like it's growing a little more each day. I've felt the baby kick a lot more lately, kind of feels like your stomach trying to digest or "gurgle". But, it's happened a lot that I know it's HIM! Matt's been trying to feel him move, but he couldn't even get his hand on my tummy at the right time. But, I noticed little baby likes to move a lot in the morning, right when I wake up, so this morning I told Matt to put his hand on my tummy and right away he felt a big kick! And then he felt some more! Pretty cool... :)
So, 22 weeks along, means 5 1/2 months! Little more than half way.
We are making our way back to Chicago for Xmas and New Year's, can't wait!

Monday, December 1, 2008

20 Weeks

Today marks the day for 20 weeks, half way!! We had our major ultrasound done this morning, and it went really well. Baby looks very healthy. The ultrasound took 45 minutes, and she went through to take a look at all the baby's organs, feet, hands, brain, spine, heart... Everything looks normal and healthy! Baby was moving around a lot, sucking its thumb, opening and closing its hand to wave at us, kicking its feet. Very cool! My weight gain has been good, probably about 7 pounds since the beginning, and supposed to be a pound a week from here on out. And, another very exciting thing we got out of this appointment was the sex of the baby! You can see in the picture below.
YAY! So, we must come up with some baby boy names. How fun!
He is about 13 ounces and his head is about 1-1/2 inches in diameter (they can't measure him entirely because he's too big for his little sack, so he's curled up. But, probably guesstimate 7 inches long when stretched out.
Next thing's next: my belly. Still wearing normal jeans! But... sticking out a lot more...
And, Matt and I bought a changing table/dresser for baby. Here's a picture of it!

Monday, November 17, 2008

18 weeks

Today marks the first day of the 18th week. I've been feeling a little nauseous over the past 2 days, and I hope it's not any morning sickness coming back to haunt me! Hopefully it'll be gone by morning. I read online that our baby is about 5 1/2 inches now, from the top of the head to the butt. It's really growing!! I started to poke out in the last few days, and you can really notice when I lay down on my back - not as much when I'm standing. Still just looks fat to me. But, it should gain shape in the next couple of weeks. I haven't felt much movement yet, but I'm supposed to feel that in the next couple weeks too! Can't wait! Here's a picture of what I look like today. Yay!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Growth of our baby!

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

15 weeks, 1 day

So, our appointment on October 27th went really well. Matt and I both really like our new doctor. He is really easy going and friendly. He spent time in the Navy too!
We had another ultrasound done, which was really exciting! Here is a snapshot of that. (Head is to the lower left, abdomen in the middle, and bunched up legs to the upper right).
We saw the heartbeat right away, and it was hard to get a clear snapshot of the baby since it was moving around like crazy! At one point, we could see it moving its arms and legs and flailing all arou
nd. Such a little miracle! We saw hands, feet, spinal cord, nasal cavities, eye sockets, umbilical cord... amazing. This was a really low-end ultrasound machine, so the picture wasn't the greatest. However, we have our next appointment on December 1st, where we have the mega ultrasound machine, and we look at the baby from head to toe in an hour-long ultrasound. We also get to find out the sex of the baby at that point!
I can't feel the baby move yet, but should be able to in the next couple of weeks.
So, here's my belly at 15 weeks, 1 day. Not too much bigger, 
but definitely more "full" than I was before.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

When I was 6 weeks along...

I took 2 home pregnancy tests, about a month after getting home from Italy. Both were positive. Matt and I made an appointment right away for the doctor, and she confirmed it was true! That day (August 25th), we have our first ultrasound. They calculated I was 6 weeks along, and measured the baby to be 4mm long. We even got to see the flickering of the heartbeat and also hear it!

Here is a picture of me at 6 weeks.

And, here is the ultrasound picture from the 6 week appointment. The blob next to the baby is the "yolk sac" which eventually forms the placenta.

Friday, October 24, 2008

14 weeks 3 days

OK, I'm just starting to figure out this blogging thing... I thought it would be a good idea with friends and family across the country, to keep everyone up to date with baby news!
So far, I am 14 weeks along, and just starting to have my belly poke out a little. Just looks like I gained a few pounds, no real baby bump yet!
We have our 3rd doctor appointment on Monday, Oct. 27, so I'll be writing about what happens at that appointment. We are going to a new doctor for the first time, because I was really weirded out by the first doctor we started going to. The new doctor is a referral from 2 friends of mine here in Littleton.
I'll write more about the first 2 appointments and other stuff when I have more time!